Saturday, December 28, 2013

28/12/2013 @ 7.31 pm

R – you are gorgeous.  By that, I mean you look exceedingly hot and beautiful.  Your eyes are your best features, they brim with an innocence that radiates a life energy that draws me in every single moment.  I was spellbound when we first met, and now that you are “gone”, I ask myself why I ever took my gaze away from you or made you feel the way you did/still do. 

Because reasons.  Reasons stupidly assumed by me that did not bring us closer but have led us here instead.  Reasons that I will always find inexplicably tied to my misguided hopes and fears - I was a fool.  Reasons that if this is over, I can only hate myself forever.  Because the reasons were just so fucked up, y'know...

I really, really, really love you with every aching bit of my heart.  You are EVERYTHING that I have dreamed for in a woman…and I am so much in love with you.   All I ask in return is your love and trust again, and this time, I promise you that I will NEVER take my gaze away from you again.  I will never give in to whatever fears and obstacles that may come our way, but I will face them with courage and strength, and in the adversity, I shall emerge victorious.  I will never endanger our relationship again, and I will make you feel loved and special until death we part.

Though my heart is filled with sorrow, I pray to God that you may find the passion in you to entrust me as your man to lead you into the new world that awaits us. 

Love & peace.


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